2024 Ohio Cup Invitational Meet
Presented by the Buckeye Figure Skating Club
2024 Results Available Here

The Roll Arena invites you to attend the 11th annual Ohio Cup Invitational April 26-28, 2024. This competition has become the widest drawing and biggest invitational in the country with representation from all nine regions and as many as 275 first entries. The Roll Arena is located about 10 minutes from the Ohio Turnpike and 20 minutes from Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Our maple rotunda floor is 80 by 180”.
We boast an impressive panel of judges including David Adamy, Debra Adamy, Patricia Bauler, Tracy Black, Gary Callahan, Rachel Dols, Cecelia Kelley, Billy Mastriano, Hannah Patawaran, Marc Snyder and Amy Waters. We will use full Roll Art scoring for all World Skate events. We are happy to announce that Marty Dumic will return to play for all dance events.
2024 Schedule
Requirements Will Follow the National Draw on April 1st (See Welcome Letter)
Music Check In
To help with your planning, we expect to begin with a controlled practice on Thursday, April 25th, no earlier than 10 AM. Judging will start with figures on Friday morning at 6 AM after a roll around. Adult and Level B and C events will be scheduled on Friday although some of these events may spill over onto Saturday. We ask that if you register for an adult or Level B/C event that you plan on being available to skate at any time on Friday, April 26th.
All other events will run on Saturday and Sunday. To help those who may not want to arrive for the Thursday practice, our nearby neighbors at Lorain Skate World will schedule several practices. The details of those practices as well as the schedule for our own practice on Thursday, April 25th will be available on the rink web site (www.rollarena.biz) as soon as possible
We will use the results of the April 1 draw to set the event requirements for the Ohio Cup. For events which use only two elements, we will use the Group that is selected for the ELIMINATIONS at the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. For events with more that two elements, we will use the FIRST and THIRD ELEMENTS of the Group that is selected for the ELIMINATIONS at the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. World Skate Junior and Senior Figures will use the entire group which is selected for the ELIMINATIONS at the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS and the loop will be skated last. The drawing for the left/right foot selection for Jr. and Sr. Figures will be done during our scheduled practice on Thursday, April 25th.
Tiny Tot Freestyle will have a maximum time of 2:30 with no content requirements or limits. Tiny Tot Figures will do Figures 1 and 2 and both TT events will be scheduled on Friday if possible.
You may challenge up one level in a discipline. Freshman challenges to Junior.
We ask that entries be postmarked by Friday, March 22. Fees are $35 for the first event, $30 for the second event, $20 for subsequent events, and $10 for combined events.
Should you have any questions please email info[at]rollarena.biz
Thanks. Karin and I hope to see you in April.
We are offering personal and business advertisement space in our program. Create an advertisement to cheer on your club or teammate or to promote your personal business.Advertisement pricing is as follows for standard 8”x11” paper with 1” margins:
- $5- Business card size (approx. 2”x3”)
- $10- Quarter page (approx. 3”x4.5”)
- $15- Half page (approx.. 5”x6”)
- $35- Whole page (standard 8”x11” with 1” margins
Space is limited so please submit your advertisements early.
Final date for advertisement entry to the program is TBD. Should you have any questions or need additional
information, please contact us at 440-366-6649 or